Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Retardom Kingdom

As of today, our official band song = Hungry Like a Wolf by Duran Duran.. Lol! I have some videos too, but it's way way too retarded to post up.. lol

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The Last Remnant My Arse!

Sigh... Gone are the days when games were suppose to be fun. Apparently someone forgot to remind SquareEnix about the reasons why games come with difficulty settings. Just when I thought I found a nice game to dwell myself into. It is TOO DAMN FREAKING HARD! Definitely not suitable for your casual gamer like me. Who comes home from work, just want to relax and slay some monsters. Level up a little. etc. etc. And doing all this without refering to faqs or walkthroughs. Come on, I want to play games, not do homework! I'm dropping this before I get a heart attack. I know I already have high blood pressure from the constant "Game Over" screen.

Friday, April 17, 2009


Ok.. This sucks.. How is it my personal blog here has more traffic than my anime blog? I should probably start spamming Anime3r more then! Lol!

Sunday, April 12, 2009

200 plus songs and counting..

A pretty good day if I do say so myself! Got my Rockband 2 drum set to work for both Rockband 1 and TrackPack 1 too. So now I have even more songs to drum to! Now if only I don't get tired that easily. Need to train up my arms then!

Another good news is that GH:Metallica is coming too! MuaHAHahHAHah!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Green Power!

In a bid to do my part for the environment, I have decided to stop "Rockband"-ing on weekdays. Well, except for maybe Friday. :p Here's crossed fingers looking at you, hoping that I can maintain this routine to save 1 hour of electicity everyday.

Previously starting to follow The Jay's Way, I have started to be more meticulous about what I throw and where. Everything recyclable will be done so. At least I think so? -_-" Lol!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Sinful Mouth

Today is a joyous day indeed. I was doing some recollecting and realized that IF (a very big if) I'm not mistaken, I managed to pass yesterday without uttering a single vulgar. Even when I went out with friends. Woot! Woot! And for me that's a revelation. HahAHaHAhaha!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Happy Birthday Marts!

Long live the boss! lol!

Getz Vs. Rx8

Lol! It's been a long long time since I had any buzz of adrenalin from car racing. But somehow yesterday, I ended up chasing a Mazda Rx8 on the way home from work. I eat dust obviously, but damn was it fun. It's been a long long long time since I had ever chased any cars on the road now. And the adrenalin pump just made me remembered why I was so into car racing back then. Wannabe-racer FTW! Lol!

Thursday, April 2, 2009


Talk about having a bad night.. Didn't manage to get much sleep last night.. Had some weird ass dreams..

First dream.. I was at a pharmacy and bumped into a pregnant woman.. She got really pissed and started scolding my ballz off.. Next thing you know.. I woke up from my sleep.. check the clock.. 2am plus..

Second dream.. or rather a nightmare.. I dreamt that I was sleeping nicely in my bed (as I was doing in reality).. I was sleeping on my side facing the right.. Then just as I shifted position and starting rotating upwards to face the ceiling.. I saw the same pregnant woman who I bumped into the dream before.. she was floating by the ceiling.. but this time instead of wearing casual clothing.. she was wearing a full black dress.. and just as she lunged towards me reaching for my neck.. It was so freaking real! The room was exactly as my room was, my sleeping style was exactly as it was, even when I was rotating in my sleep I was actually rotating in reality.. scary ass shit!
I woke up.. sweating like crazy.. I litterally pounced up from my sleep.. lied back down.. check the clock 3plus am.. Went back to sleep..

Third dream.. Things really start getting weird here.. I dreamt that I was one of The Joker's henchmen (As in from Batman).. And Joker ordered me to go rob a museum.. After some planning and gathering tools.. I went on with the robbery.. And everything actually went smoothly during the theft.. that is, until I was just about to leave through the main entrance.. Next thing you know, the wax figure of Indiana Jones beside the main door turned out to be Batman (he was literally wearing an Indiana Jones getup). He grabbed my shoulder, stopped me and beat me up. But when he later found out that I wasn't giving up any information easily, i laid me down by the door, it was those rotating doors. Stuck both my feet out inbetween the doors. And slammed the door dull strength..
And again I woke up.. check the clock.. Almost 5am..

Lol! What a night..