Sunday, August 24, 2008

Bukit Cermin - Downhill Skillz Required!

:p I'm gonna start of by saying I didn't fall down at all at Bukit Cermin today. Both trails at that too. Then I'm gonna explain why; It's because I pushed the bike all the way through. Lol. I probably rode the first 2 slopes before chickening out, pushed the bike a while. Rode the next 2 slopes at SS1(I think that's what they call the new trail), then pushed the bike all the way through. -_-"

Rested for a bit while the rest of the riders took SS1 for a few extra rounds. Took some photos, talk some cog. Next, we headed on over to the old trail and as usual, I cycled when the floor was flat and pushed the bike when going through slopes and jumps. Lol. Didn't really cycle much today, but damn, you gonna need some balls of steel before even beginning to get confident. Today was wet anyhow, so I didn't have the courage to try seeing how even the usual riders were falling quite a bit. But am just waiting for the next dry ride. Lol! Gonna go try again!

Mental note to self, gonna need to buckle up the pants so that I can ride easier. Currently too baggy. Haha!

For sucky photos by a sucky photographer, head on to this album.