Thursday, August 21, 2008

Review on Polygon Solaris 08

It just recently occurred to me that I didn't really give my comment or review actually on the Polygon Solaris I had for 3 weeks. I've taken the Solaris on a ride in Bukit Rimau and FRIM once before I traded the bike away, so my review might be kinda half-assed. So here goes; :P

First off I want to mention that Lerun and Polygon are brands from the same company. Polygon Solaris = Lerun Solaris. :)

The frame itself isn't all that bad for light cross country in terms of rigidness. But stay away from big drops though. And being a heavy bike doesn't really help either.

As for the components, my advise is to stay away from riding other bikes. The moment you take another bike for a ride, you will realise how terrible the performance of the components lack compared to others.

The shifters looks good, but will more often than not cause you to over shift. Brakes will have the tendency to fail you the moment you start going downhill. Yes, I know V-brakes do fail should you come across mud or wet surface. But these fail for no apparent reason. The rear derailleur will require back and forth shifting to get the right gear. The rims are probably the first thing you need to change. Total crap; getting dented on my 2nd ride. I haven't even abused it yet.

Come to think of it, only thing I have no complain about the Solaris is the front derailleurs; Didn't have any problems with it. Oh, and the forks too. It probably doens't work well, but at least it hadn't leak, yet. :p